23rd Review Workshop on "Student Scientific Research"
Updated on 05:58, Wednesday, 07/05/2014 (GMT+7)
In the morning of 26 March 2014, Hanoi University of Agriculture organized the 23rd Review Workshop on Student Scientific Research. Representatives of the Rectorate Board, representative leaders of faculties and related offices, lecturers, staff and over 140 students attended the workshop. The workshop was divided into 02 sub-committees including (1) Agronomy, Biotechnology, Veterinary Medicine, Food Technology, Land Management and Environment, and (2) Socio-economics, Engineering and Information Technology .
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tat Canh, HUA Vice Rector opened the Workshop
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tat Canh, HUA Vice Rector, strongly emphasized the indispensable and essential role of scientific research in higher education and its signification to students, and lecturers particularly the young lecturers. Dr. Le Huynh Thanh Phuong, Head of Science and Technology Office, presented an overview on student scientific research (SSR) in 2013 at HUA and highlighted measures to promote SSR in the coming years, At the workshop, outcomes of 13 out of 19 works were presented with their poster exhibition which were all highly appreciated and valued for their diversity, practicability, and significance by the Assessment Councils. The assessment Councils also praised students’commitment in SSR. Finally, two first prizes, three second prizes, four third prizes, and ten consolation prizes were awarded. The HUA Science Council will evaluate and select the top three highest prizes to nominate for the competition titled “Vietnam Young Science Talent 2014”organized by the Ministry of Education and Training in June 2014

Student presented research outcomes


Representatives of Rectorate Board presented awards to excellent student groups